Knowing Christ and making Him known, serving Christ by serving others.
Positions Available
Paid Positions:
Each of these two positions are estimated to be about 6 to 10 hours per week. If one person has the gifts and skills to perform both positions, we are open to having one person fill both.
Job descriptions are available in the church office if you think you might be interested. Please contact Pastor Derek or a Staff-Parish Relations Committee member if you would like to learn more!
We look forward to continuing to grow our ministries and missions as a congregation of the United Methodist Church!
Coordinator of Congregational Care
This person will track attendance, especially new attendees, with an emphasis toward integration and connection; they will work with the pastor and the Stephen Ministry leadership. They will coordinate , identify, and follow-up on pastoral care needs for the congregation. For full job description, please click below or email [email protected] or call 435-624-8638. Please submit resume, with a cover letter to [email protected].
Congregational Life Coordinator
This person will create and support opportunities for fellowship events that will promote deeper connections within the congregation.
Volunteer Positions:
Do you have an hour to spare? Once a week? Once a month?
- Vacuuming the Fellowship Hall
- Cleaning Sanctuary Bathrooms
- Mopping Narthex Floor
- Assisting Trustees with Facility and Grounds Maintenance