Worship Services Sundays 8:30 and 10:00 a.m.
At Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church we believe our Christian Mission is to bring Christ into our lives and into the lives of others. Our Mission Statement: “Knowing Christ and Making Him Known…Serving Christ by Serving Others”, sums up our joyful purpose. We encourage you to look at Shepherd of the Hills as your “extended” Christian Family.
So many ways to join us in serving others.
United Women in Faith
Connect with us.
Connect Groups
Connect with one another in a small group.
A helping hand to the disadvantaged.
Switchpoint Breakfast
Prepare and serve.
Need an Errand Runner?
If you are immune compromised or have other difficulties associated with leaving your house during this time, Neighbor-to-Neighbor can run an errand for you.
Click for form below so we can contact you.
Church office hours:
9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-Noon
920 W. Tonaquint Drive
St. George, UT 84770
We greatly appreciate
your continued support.
If you are uncomfortable with online giving, you can mail your donation or pledge.
Connect with us on your mobile device
Church Center mobile app helps us stay connected with each other in many ways. Please download it today, find Shepherd of the Hills UMC, put in your email address/register. If you have any troubles, use the contact form to contact Laurie.